My path
Hi, I'm Xiao, I'm supporting people in their holistic health and wellbeing. My mission is to empower you. Yoga has been a key to my inner peace.
At the age of 5, I started gymnastics, competited and then became a gymnastics instructor. I understood that movement plays a crucial role for both my physical and mental health.
I left pharmaceutical industry has been stressful to be dedicated to Yoga and natural medicine. I have been teaching privates Yoga classes, as well as group classes abroad and in Paris. I love to express my emotions and philosophy through mantra chanting and writing.
I have been offering energetics massage. What I feel allows you to heal.
My regular practice of Meditation allowed to connect to my inner peaceful Nature. I taught Yoga in Australia, Cambodia and since 2019 in France. I was a teacher in Paris, and now I work in Hossegor . Like my personal history, I aim to reunite Western and Eastern cultures, sciences and spirituality.
Yoga is a science that connects us to our true essence.
Lifelong learning
Holistic health is at the core of my life. I consider humans from an integrative view.
I studied Genetics, Nutrition and Health at Cambridge University and La Sorbonne Paris. Moreover, I include the meridians from the traditional chinese medicine (TCM) to Yoga. I share techniques to heal and an energetics touch.
Passionate about the inner wellbeing, I naturally dived into philosphy. Self-study is a continuous part of my sadhana (spiritual practice).
500 hours registered Yoga Alliance Teacher Training courses
• Yin & Nidra
• Hatha Vinyasa
• Adjustments & Zenthai Shiatsu
• Mantra, Meditation, Pranayama, Energetics
• Yoga & Tantra
I trained in Yoga in India, Indonesia, Australia and France.

I wish to still be involved in Education. I aim to bring wellness, health and tools for serenity to our children, because children are the future.
The future is starting now.
What does Lumen show ?
Lumen means light in Latin. In the scientist language, it also designates the space within the cell.
Come and practice. To book your session :